
Association of the Internet Industry Warns Against Unconstitutional Surveillance: Union Calls for Massive Expansion of Security Powers

The eco – Association of the Internet Industry sharply criticises the extensive surveillance demands of the CDU/CSU. In response to today’s government statement by Chancellor Olaf Scholz, the Union is calling for data retention, real-time video surveillance, mass radio cell queries and a significant expansion of the powers of the intelligence services. eco views the so-called “threat assessment calculation”, which is solely focused on the interests of the security authorities without consideration for constitutional rights, as particularly problematic. From the perspective of the Internet industry, the Union’s proposals are a step in the wrong direction.

“Data protection is a fundamental right that was established in Germany based on historical experiences. Any interference on this fundamental right must always be weighed against the respective legal interests at stake. However, to defame data protection as protection for perpetrators reflects a questionable understanding of fundamental rights. This is further reinforced by the concept of overall threat assessment calculation, since it only takes into account the wishes and needs of the security authorities – without any consideration of fundamental rights,” says eco Chair Oliver Süme. He emphasises: “From the point of view of the Internet industry, using this as a basis for comprehensive, indiscriminate and thus unconstitutional data retention must be rejected.”

Data retention has already been declared a violation of fundamental rights by the rulings of the European Court of Justice (ECJ) and the German Federal Administrative Court, and its enforcement has been prohibited. eco therefore sees a repetition of these legislative errors as extremely problematic.

“We hope and appeal to all parties in the upcoming German Bundestag that these demands will not serve as a signal for the coming legislative period,” Süme concludes.

Download of the German statement

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