Highlights from the Past Week
CW 38
The Transatlantic Data Privacy Framework (TADPF), which has recently been adopted by the European Commission, has been published in the official journal of the European Union. The exchange of data with the USA is thus legally secure – for now. However, legal action is already being taken against the TADPF, as reported by Euractiv.
Relevant Publications, including from the EP Think Tank:
- Intelligent Road Transport Systems
- Non-EU countries’ regulations on crypto-assets and their potential implications for the EU
- Right to repair: New consumer rights
- The US cybersecurity posture under Biden
- European Media Freedom Act
- Artificial Intelligence, democracy and elections
- Digital Euro package
A Selection of the EU Commission’s Consultations
- European standardisation – evaluation (until 09.2023)
- Automatic emergency 112 eCall by onboard vehicle systems EU-wide interoperability specifications (until10.2023)
Selections of the Current Week
CW 39
Here you can find a list of the upcoming dates of the European Parliament.
In the current week, apart from the political group meetings, there are no parliamentary appointments.
An overview of the most important dates of the Council week can be found here and the meeting calendar can be accessed here.
Included among the Council dates are:
Summits and Ministerial Meetings:
- Competitiveness Council (09.2023)
Preparatory Bodies (Selection):
- Horizontal WP on Cyber Issues (25.09.2023, Agenda)
- WP on General Affairs (25.09.2023, Agenda)
- WP on Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters (26.09.2023, Agenda)
- COREPER Part I (27 & 29.09.2023, Agenda)
- COREPER Part II (27 & 28.09. & 02.10.2023, Agenda)
- WP Telecommunications and Information Society (28 & 29.09.2023)
Information about the weekly Commission meeting can be found on the website of the Commission in the preview or (at short notice) in the current agenda. The next meeting will take place on 26 September.
The judicial calendar of the ECJ can be found here.
European Parliament Committees
CW 39 / 25 to 28 September 2023: Political Group Meetings (Brussels)
LIBE Committee (Civil Liberties)
Current Meetings
- No meeting
JURI Committee (Legal Affairs)
Current Meetings
- No meeting
Dossiers Timetable (18 September 2023)
ITRE Committee (Industry)
Current Meetings
- No meeting
Dossiers Timetable (PDF) (19 September 2023)
IMCO Committee (Internal Market)
Current Meetings
- No meeting
Dossiers Timetable (September 2023)
CULT Committee (Culture)
Current Meetings
- No meeting
Further Parliamentary Calendar Dates
- CW 40 / 2 to 5 October 2023: Plenary Sessions Week (Strasbourg)
- CW 41 / 9 to 12 October 2023: Political Group and Committee Meetings Week (Brussels)
- CW 42 / 16 to 20 October 2023: Political Group Meetings (Strasbourg)