
eco Names & Numbers Steering Committee

Send your expression of interest until 30 November

The eco Names & Numbers Forum is reaching out to its members on a regular basis with updates on our current work via the members-only mailing list, through newsletters and the eco-website.

There are lots of ideas, new projects and collaborations in the pipeline that will be shared with our members, but eco wants to make sure to take its members directions on board. In order to achieve this, the Names & Numbers Forum is now planning to set up the „eco Names & Numbers Steering Committee“.

The biggest achievement this year was for sure the successful IANA Stewardship Transition where eco played a key role in producing the proposal that was sent to the US Government.

As we rapidly approach the end of the year, the eco Names & Numbers Forum wants to make sure to do things the members want it to do in 2017 and onwards.

The„eco Names & Numbers Steering Committee“ shall meet by phone 2 to 4 times a year, provide input and give feedback to actions and plans.

eco is looking for to get representatives from

  • the ccTLD world
  • the legacy gTLD world
  • the new gTLD world
  • the Registrar world
  • the technical service providers’ world and
  • the consultancy / secondary market world

to join this group. We hope to get a group together that is quite diverse. Remember, eco members come from more than 60 countries and all parts of the industry.

You will get the chance to recommend things like

  • You definitely need to get a speaking slot at this event!
  • We want you do to a study / survey on this question!
  • Make sure you join this ICANN PDP working group, which is of interest for us!
  • Can you issue more blog posts on this topic?
  • We want to get more video blogs with Lars.
  • Why not hold webinars on this topic?
  • Please write more public comments on this topic.

But also

  • We did not like Thomas’ presentation at the conference. He got things wrong.
  • The way you present your work is not good enough. Up your game!

For those who are interested in joining the group, please send a message by the end of this month to: