
eco Internet Awards 2015 – Domains

Public Interest Registry wins Award for OnGood

Jury: “OnGood connects NGOs worldwide over a unique Online-Platform, through which they not only gain support, but they can also cooperate more strongly at the global level.”

On 25 June eco – Association of the Internet Industry e. V. presented the eco Internet Awards, for the 15th year in a row. This time, the jury honored innovative companies in seven main categories, four of which had subcategories. In addition to these, the Special Prize from the State of NRW for the Digital Economy, and the EuroCloud award were presented. More than 400 guests from the Internet industry came together for the exclusive eco Gala in Cologne, to be inspired by the ideas and to celebrate the winners accordingly.

Awardee in the Category Infrastructure – Domains


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Brian Cute, CEO of Public Interest Registry

Nominees in the Category Infrastructure – Domains

l. to r.: Kerstin Vermöhlen, EURid VZW, and Ilze Sermole, EURid VZW


“At the 15th awards ceremony we have again been impressed at the innovativeness and creativity of all the applicants. Our industry is taking a leading role for the entire economy,” said eco CEO Harald A. Summa. The Gala was also the starting point for eco’s birthday celebrations: The association was founded on 26 June 1995 and is now celebrating its 20th birthday. Co-founder Summa was honored during the Gala for his many years of service to the Internet.

For the last 15 years, the largest Internet association in Europe has been honoring especially innovative companies, whose market-ready products, services or processes make use of the Internet as their basis or as an intelligent supplement. The coverage and the kinds of category change slightly from year to year – as does the spectrum of the Internet itself. This year, eco adapted the awards categories to its new set of topics, and presented for the first time, for example, an award in the area of New Work. “The Internet is fundamentally changing more and more areas of our life. It is becoming a matter of course, like water and electricity. This is not only reflected in the categories of the eco Awards, but also in the variety of companies that applied, and the enormous range of future-oriented ideas in the around 130 applications received,” said Summa, delighted.