Telekom Srbija a.d. is a modern, entirely locally-owned, telecommunications company with a customer base of more than 10,000,000 customers.
Since its establishment, Telekom Srbija has searched among visionary companies and entrepreneurs for collaborators on the projects following worldwide and imposing national trends. Thus, today the following companies are part of Telekom Srbija Group: Telekom Srpske a.d., m:tel d.o.o, FiberNet d.o.o., TS:NET BV and HD WIN (4 Arena Sport TV channels).
About 2.9 million customers in Serbia use the fixed telephony service provided by Telekom Srbija, and the quality of our mobile telephony services is relied on by about 5 million customers, which is 51.0% of the total market in Serbia. In addition, about 660,000 customers have the fixed broadband Internet access provided by our company, which is about 52% of the total market in Serbia.
Telekom Srbija has its Points of Presence (PoPs) in eight European cities:
Vienna (InterXion), Budapest (BIX), Frankfurt (Ancotel and InterXion), London (TeleCity Group), Amsterdam (TeleCity Group), Timisoara (Orange), Sofia (Neterra) and Ljubljana (Ardelion – Data center).
Our services are synonymous with reliability, superior performance and innovative technology