Smart City & Smart Mobility
Friday, 24. May 2019 - Munich
In conjunction with Corso Leopold, eco - Association of the Internet Industry is organizing a specialist congress on the topics Smart City & Smart Mobility in the recently-opened Hotel Andaz.
The congress is designed for experts and interested parties from industry, politics, and public administration.
The Preliminary Program
- 11:30
Registration of Participants
- 12:00
- Welcoming Address Alexander Rabe, Managing Director eco - Association of the Internet Industry
- 12:15
- Panel: Smarter World Sabine Zimmermann, Project Leader, Initiative Digital Rauno Fuchs, CEO, Green City Mattheos Georgiou, Andaz Hotel Andreas Keck, Chair, German Mittelstand Nico Grove, Arrivo Loop
- 13:00
- Panel: Smarter Citys Sebastian Körber, Chair of the Committee: Living, Construction & Traffic, in the Bavarian State Parliament Ingolf F. Brauner, President, mib Mittelstand in Bayern & Vice President, Bundesverband der Selbständigen Lars Riegel, Principal Arthur D. Little Hans-Peter Bauer, Vice President Central and North/Eastern Europe, McAfee nn, Osram (angefragt)
- 13:45
Break - Get in Contact
- 14:00
- Presentation: eco Study "Connected Cars" Alexander Rabe, Managing Director eco - Association of the Internet Industry
- 14:30
- Panel: Smarter Mobility Roberto Diesel, CTO Sono Motors Christoph Weigler, General Manager Uber Germany Alexander Rabe, Managing Director, eco - Association of the Internet Industry Wolfgang Wittmann, European Metropolitan Region Munich Ingolf F. Brauner, President, mib Mittelstand in Bayern & Vice President, Bundesverband der Selbständigen
- 15:15
- Closing Note Thomas Sattelberger MdB, Mitglied des Bundestages FDP
- ab 15:30
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ANDAZ Hotel Schwabinger Tor
Leopoldstraße 170
80804 Munich
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Tobias Knoben