Artificial Intelligence –
eco presents study on economic potential & political frameworks
5 February 2020, starting at 5.00pm
Artificial Intelligence –
eco presents study on economic potential & political frameworks
In advance of the eco New Year’s Reception in Brussels on 5 Feb. 2020, we offer you the exclusive opportunity to familiarize yourself with the important insights and key learnings from our study – undertaken together with Arthur D. Little and the Vodafone Institute – into the economic potential of AI and the necessary political framework conditions for the successful use of AI.
The presentation will be held in English.
- from 4:30pm
- 5:00pm
Oliver Süme, Chair of the Board, eco – Association of the Internet Industry
- 5:15pm
Presentation of the Insights & Key Learnings
Oliver Süme, Chair of the Board, eco – Association of the Internet Industry
Guest Speaker
Alban Maggiar, President, SMEUnited
eco – Association of the Internet Industry
Brussels Office
Rue de la Loi 38/5, 1000 Brussels
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eco Brussels New Year’s Reception
eco is celebrating its 25th anniversary in 2020. We would like to celebrate this special occasion looking back but also looking forward: The new legislature of the European Commission and the European Parliament. We would like to take the opportunity to discuss topics and trends of the coming months and years. Business meets politics in a relaxed atmosphere.
Please click the button below to register for eco Brussels New Year’s Reception!