German Bundestag Plenary:
137th Session of the German Bundestag on 19th December 2019
- Agenda Item 9: Federal Security Architecture
Deliberation on the recommendation for a decision and the report of the Committee for the Interior & Home Affairs (4th Committee) – on the motion of the FDP parliamentary group. Tackle terrorism effectively, clarify responsibilities – Establishment of a Commission for the Reform of the Federal Security Architecture – Federalism Commission III
- Agenda Item 10: Customs Investigation Service Act
Second and third deliberations on the draft law introduced by the Federal Government to restructure the Customs Investigation Service Act
- Agenda Item 16: Information Technology in the Security Sector
Deliberation on the recommendation for a decision and the report of the Committee on Interior & Home Affairs (4th Committee) on the DIE LINKE parliamentary group motion. Dissolve the Federal Central Office for Information Technology in the Security Sector – ZITiS.
138th Session of the German Bundestag on 20th December 2019
- Agenda Item 21: Agreed Debate – Artificial Intelligence
Agreed debate Interim assessment of the Study Commission “Artificial Intelligence – Social Responsibility and Economic, Social and Ecological Potential”
- Agenda Item 25: Security in 5G network roll-out
a. Deliberation on the motion of the Alliance 90/THE GREENS parliamentary group: Measures to ensure the integrity of digital infrastructures, equipment and components – Towards greater digital sovereignty for Germany and Europe
b. Deliberation on the motion of the AfD parliamentary group: Preparation of a study on 5G technology and its effects
c. Deliberation on the recommendation for a decision and the report of the Committee for the Interior & Home Affairs (4th Committee) on the motion of the FDP parliamentary group: Smart Germany – Cybersecurity of 5G Networks
From the Committees:
46th Meeting of the Digital Agenda Committee on 18th December 2019
- Agenda Item 1
Appointment of the Chair of the Committee
- Agenda Item 3
Report of the German federal government on the work of the Digital Cabinet. Guest of the Committee: Federal Minister Dr. Franziska Giffey (BMFSFJ)
- Agenda Item 4
Report of the German federal government on the central projects of the Federal Ministry of the Interior in the areas of digitalization and cyber security. Guest of the committee: Federal Minister Horst Seehofer (BMI)
66th Meeting of the Finance Committee on 18th December 2019
- Agenda Item 1
Draft law of the federal government: Draft law to restructure the Customs Investigation Service Act
78th Meeting of the Committee for Interior & Home Affairs on 18th December 2019
- Agenda Item 5
Motion of members of parliament Manuel Höferlin, Frank Sitta, Jimmy Schulz, further members of parliament and the FDP parliamenatary group Smart Germany – Cybersecurity of 5G Networks
- Agenda Item 21
Motion of the Alliance 90/THE GREENS parliamentary group: Report of the federal government on planning and prioritizing of the German Council Presidency 2020/2021 in the field of home affairs policy
74th Session of the Committee for Law and Consumer Protection on 18th December 2019
- Agenda Item 1
a. Draft law of members of parliament Christian Lindner, Stephan Thomae, Dr. Marco Buschmann, further members of parliament and the FDP parliamentary group: Draft law on strengthening civil rights (Strengthening of Civil Rights Law–BüStärG)
b. Draft law of members of parliament Stephan Brandner, Marcus Bühl, Joana Eleonora Cotar, further members of parliament and the AfD parliamentary group
c. Draft law to repeal the Network Enforcement Act (NetzDG): Draft law of members of parliament Dr. Petra Sitte, Anke Domscheit-Berg, Simone Barrientos, further members of parliament and DIE LINKE parliamentary group.
d. Draft law on partial repeal of the Network Enforcement Act (NetzDG): Motion of members of parliament Renate Künast, Dr. Konstantin von Notz, Tabea Rößner, further members of parliament and the Alliance 90/THE GREENS parliamentary group Further development of the Network Enforcement Act – Strengthen user rights, ensure freedom of opinion in social networks
- Agenda Item 12
Report of the Federal Minister for Justice & Consumer Protection, Ms. Christine Lambrecht, Member of the Bundestag. Legal Policy Review 2019 and Project Planning BMJV 2020
- Agenda Item 13
Discussion with representatives of the Federal Chamber of Lawyers and the German Lawyers’ Association (Deutscher Anwaltverein e. V.) concerning the specific electronic lawyers’ mailbox (beA)
The German Bundestag will convene again from 13th to 17th January 2020.